Sunday, September 4, 2011


I'm so excited!

Friday morning when I got on the scale it read 283.8, a mini happy dance ensued.

Saturday morning was even better... 283.0

And then this morning, I bounced back into the bedroom having just read:


Victory Wiggle! :D

Every little bit of progress is super exciting for me. I know, you may be thinking, "Really? It's tenths of pounds each time..." But all those tenths of pounds add up. I hope and pray this keeps going and I'll be able to hit my goal by next year.

Today has started off good. I drank a protein shake this morning with a banana on the side. And for lunch I just made an amazing salad with some ham and turkey, romaine hearts, baby spinach, fresh grated cheese, a few croutons, some shredded carrots, and topped with french and ranch dressing. It was yummy!

I have yet to figure out what dinner is going to be tonight, but there's enough romaine left for one more salad, a pizza in the freezer, and Chris will be bringing home bread so I'm sure we won't starve.

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